How to Use Pinterest for Blogging Tutorials in a Simple Way


Pinterest is not just a platform for finding inspiration or planning your dream wedding. It can also be a powerful tool for bloggers to drive traffic to their websites and engage with their audience. In this article, we will explore how to use Pinterest effectively for blogging tutorials in a simple and efficient way.

1. Create a Business Account

First things first, create a business account on Pinterest. This will give you access to valuable analytics and other features that are essential for growing your blog. Make sure to optimize your profile by using relevant keywords and a clear, professional profile picture.

2. Create Boards and Pins

Organize your blogging tutorials into different boards based on topics or categories. This will make it easier for your audience to navigate and find the content they are interested in. Create visually appealing pins with eye-catching images, clear titles, and concise descriptions.

When creating pins and boards, use relevant keywords in the titles, descriptions, and alt text. This will help your content appear in search results when users are looking for specific blogging tutorials. Be sure to use natural language and avoid keyword stuffing.

4. Join Group Boards

Joining group boards is a great way to increase the visibility of your blogging tutorials. Look for group boards that are relevant to your niche and request to join them. By sharing your content on these boards, you can reach a larger audience and attract more traffic to your blog.

5. Engage with the Pinterest Community

Pinterest is a social platform, so it’s important to engage with the community. Follow other bloggers in your niche, like and comment on their pins, and repin content that is relevant to your audience. This will help you build relationships, increase your visibility, and attract more followers.


Pinterest can be a valuable tool for bloggers to showcase their expertise and drive traffic to their websites. By following these simple steps, you can effectively use Pinterest for blogging tutorials and reach a wider audience. Remember to be consistent, provide valuable content, and engage with the Pinterest community to maximize your results.

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I am Contant Creator and Blogger, who loves to share tips on Blogging, SEO, Google Ranking. Digital marketing, passive income and Blockchain technology. Read More
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