How to Submit Your WordPress Site to Google News

Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash


Google News is a powerful platform that can help increase the visibility and reach of your WordPress site. By submitting your site to Google News, you can ensure that your content appears in the news section of Google search results, driving more traffic and attracting a wider audience. In this article, we will guide you through the process of submitting your WordPress site to Google News.

Step 1: Create High-Quality Content

Before you can submit your WordPress site to Google News, it is important to ensure that your content meets the platform’s guidelines. Google News is specifically designed for news publishers, so your content should be timely, original, and of high quality. Make sure to cover a wide range of topics and provide accurate information to establish credibility.

Step 2: Install and Configure the Google News Plugin

In order to submit your WordPress site to Google News, you will need to install and configure the Google News Plugin. This plugin helps optimize your site for Google News and ensures that your content is properly formatted for inclusion in the news section of Google search results.

Once you have installed the plugin, navigate to the settings page and enter the required information, such as your site name, publication name, and publication language. It is important to provide accurate and up-to-date information to increase the chances of your site being accepted by Google News.

Step 3: Generate a News Sitemap

A news sitemap is a specialized XML sitemap that helps Google News discover and index your content more efficiently. The Google News Plugin automatically generates a news sitemap for your WordPress site, making it easier for Google to crawl and index your news articles.

To generate a news sitemap, simply navigate to the sitemap settings in the Google News Plugin and enable the news sitemap functionality. Once enabled, the plugin will automatically update your news sitemap whenever you publish new articles, ensuring that your content is always up-to-date.

Step 4: Verify Ownership of Your Site

Before submitting your WordPress site to Google News, you need to verify ownership of your site. This helps Google ensure that only authorized publishers can submit their content to the platform.

To verify ownership, you can use the Google Search Console. Simply add your site to the Search Console, follow the verification steps provided, and confirm ownership. Once your site is verified, you can proceed to the next step of the submission process.

Step 5: Submit Your Site to Google News

Now that you have created high-quality content, installed the Google News Plugin, generated a news sitemap, and verified ownership of your site, it’s time to submit your WordPress site to Google News.

To submit your site, visit the Google News Publisher Center and sign in with your Google account. Once signed in, click on the “Add Publication” button and provide the required information, such as your site URL, publication name, and publication language. Make sure to follow the guidelines provided by Google to increase the chances of your submission being approved.

After submitting your site, Google will review your application and determine whether your site meets the criteria for inclusion in Google News. This process may take some time, so be patient. If your site is approved, you will receive a notification from Google, and your content will start appearing in the news section of Google search results.


Submitting your WordPress site to Google News can significantly boost your online visibility and attract a larger audience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can optimize your site for Google News and increase the chances of your content being included in the news section of Google search results. Remember to consistently create high-quality content, install the Google News Plugin, generate a news sitemap, verify ownership of your site, and submit your site to Google News. Good luck!

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